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Meet The Artist

Mariana & Peter Nasca
My name is Peter Nasca. I'm located in Youghal in the Republic of Ireland.
I'm a self taught artist in Metal Embossing (Metaloplastie)
All my Metal Pictures are unique & 100% handmade using a very old modelling technique of metal plates ( in my case, I use aluminium plates) They are only a very few artists in the world who are still working manually in metal plates. The process is very time consuming and without the possibility of repair if mistakes occur.
Using all of the technical knowledge and experience gained over time, I have managed to master this art form without any support from anyone. Moreover, I manage to express my personality and the way I analyse all the things around me by modelling metal. That is why you will be able to find in my creations, a big diversity of subjects and themes from a wide range of fields. It is my personal method of marking my humble presence on this earth and of leaving a part of my soul and my way of being, to future generations.
You can find some of the images of my work on this site, my LinkedIn profile, on my YouTube channel, and on Google Images. For those interested in buying one of my works or maybe want to order works with specific topics, I can be contacted by clicking here.......

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