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Peter Nasca ~ Metal Art
Retail & Commissions
Welcome to my new and developing website. Follow the navigation buttons at the top right to find your way around and use "Contact" to get in touch with queries or just leave a comment

You are very welcome to my new website, I am sure that this form of "Metal Art" will be an unknown process to most of you. However, I would encourage you to look around the site and see for yourself what can be achieved with patience and a steady hand. All of the pictures you will see are 100% handmade, and take many hours of work to complete. The pictures are worked from the back and from the front using tools that I created myself and techniques that I have taught myself along the way. All of the pictures finish up with a raised, embossed profile on the front.
On the products page are the volumes of my work, including a new volume highlighting all of my latest work.
I hope you enjoy your tour of my site and welcome any comments or suggestions.
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